Zoznámte sa. Sme Aspecta.

Sme slovenská spoločnosť s viac než 10-ročnou tradíciou dodávajúca IT riešenia na mieru podľa špecifických požiadaviek klientov. Spolupracujeme s veľkými spoločnosťami a pomáhame im s transformáciou na rýchle, moderné, agilné a konkurencieschopné firmy.


SINCE 2010


Our mission is to provide our clients with expertise to improve their performance through the use of information technology and to enhance their business, products and growth.

We are leaders in introducing and integrating innovative approaches to IT systems development and operations. We emphasise communication, collaboration and inventive approaches to accelerate digitalisation and drive agility for our clients. Our core activities focus on strategy, business and IT consulting as well as highly professional implementation services, support and operations. 

We focus on the business areas where aligning business needs with the latest technology capabilities addsthe most value to drive business performance.

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Peter STROČKA Aspecta CEO

"We are innovative and a trusted partner of renowned brands in the banking, telecom and automotive industries."


In addition to projects for our clients, we also use our know-how and potential to develop products for digital transformation. Our product spin-offs Solvedio and  GR8IT are the result.

Solvedio predstavuje unikátny produkt pre digitálnu adopciu, ktorý umožňuje našim klientom, ale i zákazníkom kdekoľvek na svete zabezpečiť svoju digitalizáciu najmodernejším spôsobom za krátky čas a veľmi nízke náklady. GR8IT našu expertízu v cloude rozvíja na unikátne riešenia a produkty digitálnej transformácie.


We have many years of experience and bring stability to your company, even in difficult times. Our strength is our distinctive customer knowledge and our customer value. We know what you need and can offer it comprehensively thanks to our professional team of experts.


We are not satisfied with good solutions. We are in search of the best. We bring inventiveness to our services and our customers' businesses

Professionalism and expertise

Thanks to our experience and our experts, our most valuable asset is the know-how and expertise that make us a market leader.


We are constantly on the move. We adapt and change our processes to maximize efficiency and productivity.


We are aware of the speed of change around us. We see it not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity and potential for growth. We are open to new technologies, approaches and ways of thinking.

Relationship building

We are an active initiator of relationships with our customers and colleagues. We focus on long-term partnerships that lead to openness and satisfaction.

Value for the client

We are constantly improving and renewing our services, not based on our own needs, but on those of our customers. We create added value for them.


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We are a partner of ELASTIC
Partner spoločnosti Aspecta - MIRANTIS
Aspecta Partner - Zebra
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SAP 2011 logo.svg
red hat 2019 vector logo
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We are a partner of AUTOMATION ANYWHERE +
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