blog asp aiTechnologické trendy 2025: Budúcnosť podnikania s inováciami​">

Technologické trendy 2025: Budúcnosť podnikania s inováciami​

Technológie neustále menia svet podnikania a ich vplyv v roku 2025 bude ešte výraznejší. Umelá inteligencia, cloud computing, digitalizácia a ďalšie inovácie sa stanú hnacím motorom transformácie naprieč sektormi. Tento článok vám ukáže, ako tieto trendy ovplyvnia výrobný priemysel, telekomunikácie, bankovníctvo a verejný sektor, a ponúkne návod, ako ich implementovať…

blog asp aiTechnologické trendy 2025: Budúcnosť podnikania s inováciami​">

Technologické trendy 2025: Budúcnosť podnikania s inováciami​

Technológie neustále menia svet podnikania a ich vplyv v roku 2025 bude ešte výraznejší. Umelá inteligencia, cloud computing, digitalizácia a ďalšie inovácie sa stanú hnacím motorom transformácie naprieč sektormi. Tento článok vám ukáže, ako tieto trendy ovplyvnia výrobný priemysel, telekomunikácie, bankovníctvo a verejný sektor, a ponúkne návod, ako ich implementovať…

1719586013472Rok 2024 v Aspecte: Inovácie, spolupráca a dynamický rozvoj">

Rok 2024 v Aspecte: Inovácie, spolupráca a dynamický rozvoj

Rok 2024 priniesol pre spoločnosť Aspecta, s.r.o. dôležité míľniky, ktoré odrážajú jej neustály rast, schopnosť reagovať na výzvy a ambíciu posúvať hranice technologických riešení. Už…

vmware broadcom 768x510 1Akvizícia VMware: Ideálny čas zvážiť cloud-native riešenia​">

Akvizícia VMware: Ideálny čas zvážiť cloud-native riešenia​

Akvizícia VMware spoločnosťou Broadcom predstavuje významný posun na poli podnikových virtualizačných riešení. Firmy spoliehajúce sa na VMware teraz prehodnocujú budúcnosť svojej infraštruktúry, keďže tento krok…

20241022 163718 minAspecta ako platinový partner na AWS Cloud Day Prague 2024​​">

Aspecta ako platinový partner na AWS Cloud Day Prague 2024​​

23.10.2024 sa konal ďalší ročník AWS Cloud Day Prague. Na tohtoročnom podujatí sa stretli odborníci a obchodní lídri z celej strednej a východnej Európy, aby…

pozadie blogy ai skill asp2AI Implementation in Skill Management at Aspecta">

AI Implementation in Skill Management at Aspecta

Spoločnosť Aspecta sa špecializuje na vývoj softvérových riešení na mieru, digitalizáciu a cloudifikáciu svojich zákazníkov s adopciou umelej inteligencie. S rastúcim počtom zamestnancov a rozširujúcim…

ai chatbot jpg 2AI Chatbot Off Changing HR Controlling in the Telecommunications Sector">

AI Chatbot Off Changing HR Controlling in the Telecommunications Sector

The implementation of an advanced AI chatbot on the Azure platform brings a fundamental change in the approach to HR data for one of the leading telecommunications operators in Slovakia.

implementacia pokrocileho monitorovacieho dashboardu2The implementation of Advanced Monitoring Dashboard for Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia">

The implementation of Advanced Monitoring Dashboard for Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia

Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia (VWGS) úspešne implementoval inovatívny monitorovací dashboard, ktorý zásadne zlepšil viditeľnosť a riadenie ich komplexných IT služieb. Tento projekt, realizovaný v spolupráci…

oracle award aspecta partner roka2Aspecta is gaining prestigious awards Oracle Partner of the year FY2024">

Aspecta is gaining prestigious awards Oracle Partner of the year FY2024

Oracle Slovakia successfully concluded the fiscal year 2024 and on this occasion recognized its top performing partners for their extraordinary achievements in various categories. The prestigious Oracle Partner...

modernizacia eks cluster2Modernization of EKS Cluster Solutions Brings Volkswagen Group Increase in Automation">

Modernization of EKS Cluster Solutions Brings Volkswagen Group Increase in Automation

The Volkswagen Group, a global leader in the automotive industry, has successfully implemented a modernized EKS cluster solution, which yielded a significant improvement in efficiency and cost optimization of their IT infrastructure.

finops a optimalizacia kubernetes clusterov2FinOps and Kubernetes cluster optimization brings significant savings to VW Group">

FinOps and Kubernetes cluster optimization brings significant savings to VW Group

Volkswagen Group dosiahol významné zníženie nákladov a zefektívnenie využívania zdrojov vo svojich Kubernetes clustroch vďaka implementácii FinOps prístupu navrhnutého spoločnosťou Aspecta. Tento projekt nielen optimalizoval…

automatizacia buildov a deploymentov2Automating builds and deployments for the VW Group: A revolution in application management">

Automating builds and deployments for the VW Group: A revolution in application management

Volkswagen Group, globálny líder v automobilovom priemysle, čelil výzve efektívnej správy a nasadzovania svojich aplikácií. Aspecta navrhla a implementovala inovatívne riešenie, ktoré transformovalo ich procesy…

1 create employeeDigitalization of personnel files for a retail enterprise">

Digitalization of personnel files for a retail enterprise

Maloobchodný predajca čelil problémom s papierovými záznamami a nejednotnými postupmi na rôznych miestach, preto Aspecta implementovala riešenie Solvedio na správu digitálnych dokumentov s cieľom zefektívniť…

telecom landingpage covreOptimization of cloud infrastructure in the VWGS: Building an effective team with the Skill Matrix">

Optimization of cloud infrastructure in the VWGS: Building an effective team with the Skill Matrix

Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia (VWGS) čelil výzve prevádzkovať cloud infraštruktúru pre celý koncern Volkswagen. Aspecta s.r.o. implementovala inovatívne riešenie SkillMatrix, ktoré umožnilo efektívne mapovanie kompetencií,…

instrukcie.digitalizacisDigitalization of work instructions in production for a leading innovator in electromobility">

Digitalization of work instructions in production for a leading innovator in electromobility

Globálny výrobca elektromobilov sa s pomocou Aspecty a jej platformy Solvedio rozhodol pre digitalizáciu pracovných inštrukcií. Zamestnanci tak majú okamžitý prístup k aktuálnym postupom, čo…

oracle certificateAspecta received the Certificate of expertise in sales of Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription">

Aspecta received the Certificate of expertise in sales of Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription

Our company is a long-standing partner of Oracle. These days, among other things, we have fulfilled the requirements for expertise in selling Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription...

pozadie blogy audiAudi optimalizuje správu sietí v AWS s Platformou Aviatrix​">

Audi optimalizuje správu sietí v AWS s Platformou Aviatrix​

Audi, popredný výrobca luxusných automobilov, úspešne implementoval riešenie Aviatrix na zefektívnenie správy sietí v prostredí AWS, čím dosiahol výrazné zlepšenie transparentnosti a bezpečnosti svojej cloudovej…

nlp aspecta kinit coverHow Aspecta's NLP solution is changing public procurement">

How Aspecta's NLP solution is changing public procurement

Public procurement faces many challenges, in particular procedural and time inefficiencies. However, by harnessing the power of multilabel classification algorithms, semantic similarity analysis, and big language models, governments can...

sazp blogDesign of the information system for SAŽP">

Design of the information system for SAŽP

Design of the application and technological architecture for the information system for the registration, processing and evaluation of applications under the Recovery Plan.

gr8it coverGR8IT: Specialized cloud services to transform the business">

GR8IT: Specialized cloud services to transform the business

With a deep knowledge of cloud computing and a determination to stay ahead of the competition, our company Aspecta has recently established a new business spin off called...

fin ops cover blogCloud FinOps">

Cloud FinOps

The rapidly changing digital environment is forcing businesses to increasingly use cloud technologies. Implementing them correctly in the business promotes innovation, scalability and cost-efficiency. In order to...

new office coverThe new office for our growing Aspecta team">

The new office for our growing Aspecta team

Last year was all about expanding the Aspecta team and in 12 months our numbers have more than doubled. Our team...

lift and shift migracia aspectaLift and shift migration to the cloud: What is it and when is it worth it?">

Lift and shift migration to the cloud: What is it and when is it worth it?

Moving IT infrastructure to the cloud is the future of almost every company. This process can seem extremely costly in both time and resources. However, if you choose the right...

technologicke trends 2023Top strategic technology trends for the year 2023, according to Gartner">

Top strategic technology trends for the year 2023, according to Gartner

Also for 2023, analyst firm Gartner has compiled a list of ten technology trends that will strategically impact the results and initiatives of organizations around the world. Although...

aspecta oracle cloud partnerAspecta has become a cloud partner of Oracle">

Aspecta has become a cloud partner of Oracle

With over 80 experienced IT professionals and over 300 completed projects, we have become the go-to provider for Oracle Cloud consulting, implementation and managed services.

telecom landingpage covreCloudification of the controlling solution for Slovak Telekom, T-mobile Czech Republic (Deutsche Telekom)">

Cloudification of the controlling solution for Slovak Telekom, T-mobile Czech Republic (Deutsche Telekom)

Nasadenie nového Controllingové riešenia pre riadenie ľudských zdrojov vyžadovalo nezávislosť od existujúcej infraštruktúry. AJ pre to sme navrhli inovatívny pilotný projekt s cieľom cloudifikácie existujúcich…

agile it aspecta developmentIs the future of IT projects in Agile?">

Is the future of IT projects in Agile?

Companies today cannot afford to let the process, procedure and documentation in IT product development slow their time to market. Delays are costing them a competitive advantage...

revolucia automobilovej conektivite2Aspecta and the Volkswagen Group: the Revolution in Car Connectivity">

Aspecta and the Volkswagen Group: the Revolution in Car Connectivity

Slovenská IT spoločnosť Aspecta zohrala kľúčovú úlohu pri transformácii Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia na lídra v oblasti mobility budúcnosti prostredníctvom inovatívnej cloudovej platformy pre konektivitu…

digital workplace dex aspectaThe modern digital workplace: strategy, trends and best practices">

The modern digital workplace: strategy, trends and best practices

The 2021 survey analysed the views of 16,000 employees from a variety of backgrounds.54 % of the workers surveyed said they would consider leaving their jobs after the COVID-19 pandemic if they were...

containerisation of kubernetes aspectaKubernetes and containers - why will 85% of companies deploy them by 2025?">

Kubernetes and containers - why will 85% of companies deploy them by 2025?

According to analyst firm Gartner, by 2025, up to 85 % enterprises in developed economies will deploy containers. Currently (year 2022) containerization platforms are used by about 30 %...

cloud bg aspecta 1Advantages of cloud solutions for your company">

Advantages of cloud solutions for your company

The availability of a stable and fast internet connection is a prerequisite for the increasing use of the cloud, not only for private purposes, but also in business. Companies are thus...

rpa technology robot automation process12 strategic technology trends for 2022 according to Gartner">

12 strategic technology trends for 2022 according to Gartner

Each year, analyst firm Gartner presents business and IT trends based on the priorities of different organizations and the resulting technology requirements that drive...

en casestudy finopsMigration to Amazon RDS for DiAR">

Migration to Amazon RDS for DiAR

Systém DiAR (Digitaler Ausschussraum) je nástroj riadenia kvality navrhnutý na zlepšenie manipulácie s chybnými materiálmi v automobilovej výrobe. Pôvodne sa systém spoliehal na manuálny proces…

budovanie cloudoveho timupre globalnu conectivituBuilding the cloud team for a global connectivity for VWGS">

Building the cloud team for a global connectivity for VWGS

V ére digitálnej transformácie automobilového priemyslu sa Volkswagen Group Services (VWGS) postavil výzve vybudovať špičkový cloudový tím na zelenej lúke. Tento príbeh ukazuje, ako sa…

kontajnmerizacia caas blog bg2Prevádzka Caas (Container as a Service) služby pre Volkswagen Group ​">

Prevádzka Caas (Container as a Service) služby pre Volkswagen Group ​

Volkswagen Group úspešne implementoval Container as a Service (CaaS) riešenie, ktoré výrazne zlepšilo správu Kubernetes clustera a prinieslo značné úspory nákladov. Tento projekt demonštruje, ako…

quality control driven by artificial intelligenceQuality control based on artificial intelligence - the future of troubleshooting">

Quality control based on artificial intelligence - the future of troubleshooting

Every industry, from microchips to smartphones to automobiles to food, has to worry about maintaining quality and performance when producing goods. Low or inconsistent...

aspecta IT careersSolvedio - DaaS (Digitalization as a Service) platform">

Solvedio - DaaS (Digitalization as a Service) platform

At Aspecta, at the beginning of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we launched the Solvedio platform "on the green field". We responded to the unprecedented need for digitization and digital transformation...

business intelligence data analysesBusiness spin-off in IT">

Business spin-off in IT

In the IT segment, not only startups have gained popularity in recent years, but also the so-called corporate spin-offs. These have become a popular way for companies to multiply their value, business...

modernising IT for businessDigitalisation of business in 2022: benefits, trends and challenges">

Digitalisation of business in 2022: benefits, trends and challenges

The situation caused by the pandemic in recent years has caused the disappearance of many businesses. On the one hand, it has fully exposed those organisations that were already in trouble before...

rpa technology robot automation processMachine learning in industry: applications, benefits and challenges">

Machine learning in industry: applications, benefits and challenges

Until a few years ago, we could only encounter artificial intelligence in science fiction movies. But nowadays everything is different and artificial intelligence...

aspecta IT careersA Complex Guide to a Career at IT in 2022">

A Complex Guide to a Career at IT in 2022

Perhaps no word better describes the current societal situation than "unpredictable". The pandemic, and the problems associated with it, have caused a small earthquake in the labour market. Paradoxically, however, some...

cloud bg aspecta 1Are you fully harnessing the potential of the cloud? Cloud migration vs. cloud transformation">

Are you fully harnessing the potential of the cloud? Cloud migration vs. cloud transformation

Global end-user spending on public cloud services is forecast to grow by 23.1 % to a total of $332.3 billion by the end of this year, according to Gartner,...

business intelligence data analysesAdvantages and challenges of successful and effective Business Intelligence">

Advantages and challenges of successful and effective Business Intelligence

Digital data is driving business in the 21st century and brings with it a number of challenges. Companies face information overload and if they want to operate smarter...

microloans for pss bgMicroservices development architecture for PSS">

Microservices development architecture for PSS

For the First Building Savings Bank, we ensured the implementation of a microservices-based architecture that supported its transition to the new infrastructure. In doing so, we leveraged the Spring Boot framework,...

configurable software or custom software2Configurable or custom software: which solution should I choose?">

Configurable or custom software: which solution should I choose?

Most large companies invest in software solutions that can meet their exact functionality requirements. Such software should be able to digitize, automate or simplify specific...

serverless azure functions aws lambdaAWS Lambda and Azure Functions: the future of "serverless"">

AWS Lambda and Azure Functions: the future of "serverless"

Serverless Computing has become a very trendy term in the world of software architecture in recent years. Thanks to it, you no longer have to worry about managing...

JRL landingpage covreDigitalization of the problem-solving process for a global automotive manufacturer">

Digitalization of the problem-solving process for a global automotive manufacturer

Digitalizácia procesu riešenia problémov pomohla globálnemu výrobcovi automobilov zrýchliť a zefektívniť správu výrobných incidentov, čím prispela k vyššej kvalite a plynulosti výroby. Pomocou platformy Solvedio…

Digital transformation 2021Digital transformation trends of 2021">

Digital transformation trends of 2021

At the beginning of 2020, few probably had any idea what a revolution would take place in the already rapidly evolving field of digital technologies. In just a second...

modernising IT for businessIT modernization in business: A great guide">

IT modernization in business: A great guide

The information technology environment in large organizations often mixes old and modern applications that don't always communicate well with each other, resulting in errors, slow progress, dissatisfaction...

rpa technology robot automation processInteresting RPA use cases: Can you use RPA in your company?">

Interesting RPA use cases: Can you use RPA in your company?

Robotic process automation (RPA) is being used by more and more companies in response to increasing pressure for work efficiency and cost reduction. RPA takes on the mundane,...

cloud bg aspecta 110 reasons to migrate to the cloud in 2021">

10 reasons to migrate to the cloud in 2021

The cloud refers to a centralised location on the internet that stores data so it can be accessed anytime, anywhere and from any connected device. More and more companies are migrating to...

cover devops what is itWhat is DevOps and why is it important for your business">

What is DevOps and why is it important for your business

DevOps is a combination of the terms development and operations. It represents an approach to software or application development that promotes better communication and collaboration between development and operations...

symbiontio technology line png 1500 873 1Problem-solving Tool for Jaguar Land Rover">

Problem-solving Tool for Jaguar Land Rover

We provided JLR with a comprehensive innovative and unique problem-solving system based on a containerised infrastructure platform. We also leveraged Kubernetes infrastructure, microservices and...

migracia databazy business cockpit na amazon rds‎‎Migration of Volkswagen AG's Business Cockpit database to Amazon RDS for SQL Server">

‎‎Migration of Volkswagen AG's Business Cockpit database to Amazon RDS for SQL Server

Spoločnosť Volkswagen AG migrovala svoj systém Business Cockpit (BC), ktorý je kľúčový pre správu kľúčových ukazovateľov výkonnosti v 17 závodoch, z lokálneho nastavenia na Amazon…

migracia databazy business cockpit na amazon rds‎‎Migration of Volkswagen Business Cockpit to the AWS cloud">

‎‎Migration of Volkswagen Business Cockpit to the AWS cloud

Spoločnosť Volkswagen AG migrovala svoj systém Business Cockpit (BC), ktorý je kľúčový pre správu kľúčových ukazovateľov výkonnosti v 17 závodoch, z lokálneho nastavenia na Amazon…

p dashboardThe implementation of the applications of P-Dashboard">

The implementation of the applications of P-Dashboard

Spoločnosť Volkswagen AG migrovala svoj systém Business Cockpit (BC), ktorý je kľúčový pre správu kľúčových ukazovateľov výkonnosti v 17 závodoch, z lokálneho nastavenia na Amazon…

implementacia business cockpit 2‎‎Implementation of the Business Cockpit system">

‎‎Implementation of the Business Cockpit system

Implementácia systému Business Cockpit spoločnosti Volkswagen priniesla efektívny nástroj pre riadenie výkonnosti podniku. Tento systém, inšpirovaný metodikou Balanced Scorecard, umožňuje riadenie stratégie a meranie výkonnosti…