AI Implementation in Skill Management at Aspecta

Aspecta specializes in developing custom software solutions, digitalization, and cloudification for its clients, along with the adoption of artificial intelligence. With a growing number of employees and an expanding portfolio of services, Aspecta faced the need for effective skill and competency management among its workforce. In an effort to increase competitiveness and maximize its potential, we decided to implement advanced artificial intelligence (AI) solutions into our skill management system.
AI Chatbot Off Changing HR Controlling in the Telecommunications Sector

The implementation of an advanced AI chatbot on the Azure platform brings a fundamental change in the approach to HR data for one of the leading telecommunications operators in Slovakia.
The implementation of Advanced Monitoring Dashboard for Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia

Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia (VWGS) successfully implemented innovative monitoring dashboard, which substantially improved the visibility and control of complex IT services. This project, implemented in cooperation with the company Aspecta, has brought significant improvements in the efficiency of the operation and quality of the provided services.
Modernization of EKS Cluster Solutions Brings Volkswagen Group Increase in Automation

The Volkswagen Group, a global leader in the automotive industry, has successfully implemented a modernized EKS cluster solution, which yielded a significant improvement in efficiency and cost optimization of their IT infrastructure.
FinOps and Kubernetes cluster optimization brings significant savings to VW Group

Volkswagen Group has achieved significant cost reductions and resource efficiency in its Kubernetes clusters by implementing the FinOps approach designed by Aspecta. This project not only optimized operations, but also laid the foundation for long-term efficiency in cloud computing.
Automating builds and deployments for the VW Group: A revolution in application management

Volkswagen Group, a global leader in the automotive industry, faced the challenge of effectively managing and deploying its applications. Aspecta designed and implemented an innovative solution that transformed their software development and deployment processes.
Digitalization of personnel files for a retail enterprise

The retailer faced challenges with paper records and inconsistent procedures across locations. To address these issues, Aspecta implemented the Solvedio solution for digital document management to streamline and standardize HR processes. By digitizing files and centralizing storage, the organization enhanced data accessibility, compliance, and security while reducing administrative burdens.
Optimization of cloud infrastructure in the VWGS: Building an effective team with the Skill Matrix

Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia (VWGS) faced a challenge to operate the cloud infrastructure for the whole of the concern Volkswagen. Aspecta implemented an innovative solution SkillMatrix, which allowed the efficient mapping of competences, the optimization of human resources and to increase the quality of IT services.
Digitalization of work instructions in production for a leading innovator in electromobility

Globálny výrobca elektromobilov sa s pomocou Aspecty a jej platformy Solvedio rozhodol pre digitalizáciu pracovných inštrukcií. Zamestnanci tak majú okamžitý prístup k aktuálnym postupom, čo zrýchľuje procesy a minimalizuje riziko chýb. Riešenie prinieslo efektivitu a konzistentnú kvalitu. Podporuje tak nielen plynulú výrobu, ale aj dlhodobý rozvoj tímov.
Audi optimalizuje správu sietí v AWS s Platformou Aviatrix

Audi, a leading luxury automotive manufacturer, has successfully implemented Aviatrix to streamline network management in an AWS environment, achieving significant improvements in the transparency and security of its cloud infrastructure.
How Aspecta's NLP solution is changing public procurement

Verejné obstarávanie čelí mnohým výzvam, najmä procesnej a časovej neefektívnosti. Využitím sily klasifikačných multilabel algoritmov, sémantickej analýzy podobnosti a veľkých jazykových modelov však môžu vlády v tejto oblasti dosiahnuť revolučné zlepšenia. V spolupráci so spoločnosťou Kinit sme na čele tejto transformácie. Využitím pokročilých technológií spracovania prirodzeného jazyka (NLP) prinášame inovácie, pokrok a účinnosť do sveta verejného obstarávania. Zistite, ako sme pripravení zmeniť pravidlá hry a prečo veríme, že naša spolupráca prinesie novú éru efektívneho a moderného verejného obstarávania.
Design of the information system for SAŽP

Design of the application and technological architecture for the information system for the registration, processing and evaluation of applications under the Recovery Plan.
Cloudification of the controlling solution for Slovak Telekom, T-mobile Czech Republic (Deutsche Telekom)

Nasadenie nového Controllingové riešenia pre riadenie ľudských zdrojov vyžadovalo nezávislosť od existujúcej infraštruktúry. AJ pre to sme navrhli inovatívny pilotný projekt s cieľom cloudifikácie existujúcich riešení a prechod na infraštruktúru MS Azure Cloud.
Aspecta and the Volkswagen Group: the Revolution in Car Connectivity

Slovak IT company Aspecta played a key role in the transformation of the Volkswagen Group Services Slovakia to the leader in the field of future mobility through the innovative cloud platform for the connectivity of the vehicles.
Migration to Amazon RDS for DiAR

The DiAR (Digitaler Ausschussraum) system is a quality management tool designed to improve the handling of defective materials in automotive production. Originally, the system relied on a manual process to detect and report defects, which led to inefficiencies and feedback delays on production lines. DiAR was developed to automate this process, improve quality through faster feedback and ensure transparency through online reporting. The system has been successfully tested in the assembly halls of Volkswagen Slovakia.
Building the cloud team for a global connectivity for VWGS

In the era of digital transformation of the automotive industry, the Volkswagen Group Services (VWGS) stood up to the challenge to build a top cloud team from scratch. This story shows how it has succeeded in a short period of time in ensuring the operation of critical IT services and lay the foundations for the future of the connectivity of the vehicles.
Prevádzka Caas (Container as a Service) služby pre Volkswagen Group

Volkswagen Group has successfully implemented a Container as a Service (CaaS) solution that has significantly improved Kubernetes cluster management and delivered significant cost savings. This project demonstrates how modern cloud technology can increase the efficiency and flexibility of IT infrastructure in the automotive industry.
Microservices development architecture for PSS

For PSS, we delivered the implementation of a microservices-based architecture that supported the transition to the new infrastructure. We used the Spring Boot Framework, Apache Kafka and the ELK stack.
Digitalization of the problem-solving process for a global automotive manufacturer

The digitalization of the problem-solving process helped a global automotive manufacturer speed up and streamline production incident management, contributing to higher production quality and smoother operations. Using the Solvedio platform, the client was able to implement automated data collection and analysis, enabling systematic problem-solving and accurate identification of root causes. The result is faster problem resolution and an increase in overall efficiency and stability of production processes.
Problem-solving Tool for Jaguar Land Rover

Pre JLR sme zabezpečili komplexný inovatívny a jedinečný systém na riešenie problémov založený na platforme s kontajnerovou infraštruktúrou. Využívali sme tiež Kubernetes infraštruktúru, mikroslužby a utomatizáciu CI / CD.
Migration of Volkswagen AG's Business Cockpit database to Amazon RDS for SQL Server

Volkswagen AG has migrated its Business Cockpit (BC) system, which is key to managing key performance indicators across 17 plants, from an on-premises setup to Amazon RDS for SQL Server. This transition improved scalability, reduced costs and ensured compliance while maintaining seamless system functionality.
Migration of Volkswagen Business Cockpit to the AWS cloud

Volkswagen AG has migrated its Business Cockpit (BC) system, which is key to managing key performance indicators across 17 plants, from an on-premises setup to Amazon RDS for SQL Server. This transition improved scalability, reduced costs and ensured compliance while maintaining seamless system functionality.
The implementation of the applications of P-Dashboard

Volkswagen AG has migrated its Business Cockpit (BC) system, which is key to managing key performance indicators across 17 plants, from an on-premises setup to Amazon RDS for SQL Server. This transition improved scalability, reduced costs and ensured compliance while maintaining seamless system functionality.
Implementation of the Business Cockpit system

The implementation of the Volkswagen Business Cockpit system has provided an effective tool for managing business performance. Inspired by the Balanced Scorecard methodology, the system enables strategy management and performance measurement across the entire organisation, integrating targets and indicators into reporting processes. The case study presents the benefits of this solution, its features and challenges during implementation.