AI Adoption s garantovanou návratnosťou

Your path to higher efficiency starts with us. We guarantee fast and efficient AI solution adoption. We guide you from start to finish and provide top-notch support. 

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years of experience

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successful projects

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experts in cloud and AI

AI solutions with guaranteed returns

We lead your organization to an effective adoption of end-to-end AI technologies, even if you lack sufficient AI competencies and internal capacities. We quickly build your AI competency and manage your AI solutions and IT operations.

Our approach to AI adoption is divided into two key phases:



    Pomocou nášho unikátneho AI radaru zmapujeme potenciál využitia AI vo vašej organizácii. Identifikujeme kľúčové oblasti s najvyššou pridanou hodnotou a návratnosťou.


    Zhodnotíme vašu aktuálnu IT infraštruktúru a procesy z hľadiska pripravenosti na implementáciu AI. Pomocou workshopov identifikujeme najvhodnejšie "use casey" na AI adopciu.


    Vytvoríme detailný plán AI adopcie šitý na mieru vašej organizácie, vrátane feasibility, business potenciálu a vyhodnotenia očakávaných prínosov.



    Agilný vývoj riešení podľa predchádzajúcej fázy plánovania zabezpečí, že vaše AI riešenia budú presne prispôsobené konkrétnym potrebám vašej firmy.


    Bezproblémová integrácia AI technológií do vašich existujúcich systémov zabezpečí, že prevádzka nebude prerušená a maximalizujú sa prínosy AI.


    Neustále ladenie a zlepšovanie AI systémov, poskytovanie technickej podpory a údržby zabezpečí plynulý chod AI technológií a ich maximálnu efektivitu.

Entrust your AI future to experts

With AI Adoption from Aspecta you can expect not only the implementation of AI technologies into your infrastructure but also a complete transformation of your business towards innovation and efficiency.Our goal is to provide you with:

Optimise costs while maintaining high performance and safety

Flexibility of AI solutions that support your business growth

Strengthening market position through AI solutions

Do you want cost-effective and secure AI solutions?

Our team is ready to help you see the positive impact of AI solutions on your business as soon as possible!

Success stories of our clients

Our cloud experts have successfully completed more than 120 projects of varying scale. Some of our most notable cloud solutions include:

Cloud infrastructure for global Cloud medical solution

We provided the architecture and design for a private cloud platform, with the provision of backend microservices and the foundation for the Angular frontend interface and mobile app center for IoT devices.

Azure infrastructure and operation - Volkswagen Group Services

We provided extensive cloud services to the partner, including the creation and management of cloud and physical infrastructure through the Azure platform.

Private cloud infrastructure for PABK/

We created a private cloud infrastructure with high scalability and DevOps readiness for a Slovak bank. The solution included a container-based platform with Kubernetes technology.

Migration to Amazon cloud (AWS) for Volkswagen Group Germany

We handled the global migration and deployment of the VW system (25 entities, 10x thousand users). The solution included cloud architecture, integration architecture and infrastructure as code deployment (IaaC).

AI adoption brings tangible results

Reduction of operational costs by up to 40%

AI solutions automate routine tasks, reduce labor costs, and increase productivity, achieving higher efficiency and lower operating costs.

Increase speed to market by up to 68%

AI technologies enable faster data analysis and processing, allowing companies to respond dynamically to market changes, competition, and customer demands.

Improvement of decision-making processes by up to 60%

AI systems provide deep analytical capabilities and predictive models, enabling better and faster decision-making based on data.

Increase in customer satisfaction by up to 70%

AI technologies enable more personalized services and faster responses to customer needs, significantly enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz um bis zu 88%

AI technologies optimize the use of energy and material resources, significantly reducing energy consumption and increasing the sustainability of your company.

Technologies We Work With

We work with the highest quality cloud technologies and partner with major cloud providers. 

Microsoft Azure
aws partner logo
o prtnr clr rgb


Máme odpovede na vaše otázky o bezpečnosti, čase realizácie a nákladoch na AI adopciu

What exactly does AI adoption mean?

AI adoption involves integrating artificial intelligence into your business processes to improve efficiency, automation, and decision-making processes.

How long does AI adoption take?

The length of the process depends on the complexity of your needs and existing infrastructure, but a typical project can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Is AI adoption safe?

Yes, we use advanced security protocols and standards to ensure the protection of your data and systems throughout the implementation of AI solutions.

How to choose the right AI solution?

Our experts will help you identify the most suitable AI solutions based on your business goals, current needs, and technical capabilities.

What are common challenges in AI adoption?

Common challenges include changing business processes, training employees on new technologies, and integrating AI systems into existing infrastructure.

How should a company plan for AI adoption?

Thorough planning includes analyzing the current state, defining goals, selecting the right technologies, training the team, and continuously monitoring and optimizing processes.

How can a company ensure successful AI adoption?

Successful AI adoption requires strong leadership, clear goals, quality communication, and the involvement of all organizational levels in the transition to AI technologies. 

How to address employees' concerns during AI adoption?

We provide training and support to employees to help them understand the benefits of AI and prepare them to work with new technologies, thereby reducing concerns and increasing confidence in the entire process.

Obavy pri migrácii do cloudu Riešenie v cloude
Security concerns
Advanced security protocols and data encryption provided by cloud platforms
Privacy and compliance issues
Cloud services with certifications to ensure compliance with local and international regulations
Dependence on the provider
Flexible and customisable cloud services with multi-cloud strategies
Migration cost
Payment based on actual usage and the possibility of using tailor-made funding for migration
Performance constraints
Highly scalable and configurable resources with guaranteed performance levels
Complexity and governance
Management tools and services to simplify management and automate processes
Connectivity and availability
Hybrid cloud options and cloud edge solutions to optimize latency and connectivity
The loss of control
Podrobné prístupové politiky a auditné záznamy pre zachovanie kontroly nad prostrediami a dátami