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AI Adoption - Start AI Adoption | Aspecta
AI Adoption

Accelerate AI adoption with guaranteed results

Leverage Aspecta's AI solutions to gain a competitive edge. Our services assist in identifying the most relevant use cases, swiftly implementing AI, and delivering measurable business outcomes.

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years of experience

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successful projects

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IT, cloud and AI experts

Assured Return on AI Investment

Aspecta delivers comprehensive, customized solutions that integrate proven methodologies, cutting-edge tools, and expert guidance. We help companies successfully adopt AI technologies to achieve a rapid and measurable return on investment.

Discover high-potential AI use cases for your business using our proprietary AI RADAR tool.

In-depth analysis of feasibility, benefits, and projected returns for each use case, including ROI forecasts and timelines.

Agile execution of AI projects for fast delivery of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).

Collaborate with AI experts to integrate models seamlessly into your existing systems.

Automate and digitalize processes using AI to boost efficiency and reduce costs.

Accelerate AI adoption with guaranteed returns

Achieve rapid ROI through our AI solutions. Get in touch with us today to experience how AI can transform your business and make it more efficient.

Benefits of AI Adoption

Rapid deployment of innovation and process improvement

By leveraging an agile approach, we deliver MVPs in shorter cycles, enabling quicker innovation deployment and business process improvement. AI solutions also support continuous improvement through continuous monitoring and data-driven optimization.

Lower operating costs and enhanced efficiency

By automating routine tasks and optimizing resource utilization, AI solutions can help you significantly reduce operational costs and increase the overall productivity of your business. Human and material resources will be more efficiently allocated to strategic activities.

Enhancing customer experience

By leveraging AI technologies like predictive analytics and chatbots, we can personalize services for your customers based on their preferences and behaviors. At the same time, customer support will become faster and more efficient, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Mitigating the risks of unsuccessful implementation

We provide pilot projects to assess the technical and business viability of AI solutions prior to full implementation. An agile approach with phased deployment also reduces the complexity and risk of mistakes when implementing AI.

Data security and regulatory compliance

All of our AI solutions include advanced security measures, including data encryption, and are designed to comply with legislative requirements such as GDPR. We also implement data management tools and transparent access monitoring.

Cost control and fast return on investment

We track and report ROI from AI projects so you have a clear picture of the benefits and costs associated with AI adoption. Our solutions are optimized for rapid ROI within 3 - 9 months.

Our Client's Success Stories

Our cloud experts have successfully executed over 120 cloud projects. Some of our most notable cloud solutions include:

Cloud infrastructure for global Cloud medical solution

We provided the architecture and design for a private cloud platform, with the provision of backend microservices and the foundation for the Angular frontend interface and mobile app center for IoT devices.

Azure infrastructure and operation - Volkswagen Group Services

We provided extensive cloud services to the partner, including the creation and management of cloud and physical infrastructure through the Azure platform.

Private cloud infrastructure for PABK/365.bank

We created a private cloud infrastructure with high scalability and DevOps readiness for a Slovak bank. The solution included a container-based platform with Kubernetes technology.

Migration to Amazon cloud (AWS) for Volkswagen Group Germany

We handled the global migration and deployment of the VW system (25 entities, 10x thousand users). The solution included cloud architecture, integration architecture and infrastructure as code deployment (IaaC).

Comprehensive solutions for AI adoption

We offer comprehensive services to facilitate the successful adoption of AI technologies, maximizing their business impact. Our offerings include:

1. Identification and selection of AI use cases

  • Identifying the opportunities with the greatest potential for your business
  • Leveraging the unique AI RADAR tool to map and assess AI potential
  • Selection of the most relevant use cases based on business impact and technical feasibility
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2. Feasibility and benefit analysis

  • Detailed feasibility study for each selected use case
  • Developing a business plan with cost, benefit and return on investment (ROI) forecasts
  • Identifying quick wins and long-term benefits

3. Agile implementation of AI projects

  • Delivery of end-to-end AI projects and initiatives
  • Leveraging agile approaches and parallel streams for fast MVP delivery
  • Pilot projects to verify technical prerequisites before scaling up
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4. AI model integration and automation

  • Collaborating with AI experts to integrate AI models into existing infrastructures
  • Automation and digitalization of business agendas with AI elements
  • Development of customized software components using a digitization platform

5. Cloud migration and operation

  • Migration of IT infrastructure and applications to the cloud for AI
  • Ensuring the operation and long-term support of AI solutions
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Our AI competencies

Not only is AI expertise key to the real-world use of AI, but also the ability to embed it in a comprehensive solution that supports digital transformation and integration with existing systems.

AI expertise and know-how

Our experts have extensive experience in AI technologies and create tailored solutions to meet your needs.

Integration into digital processes

We integrate AI technologies into digitisation projects, ensuring that AI solutions support the wider digital transformation of your business

Integration into existing infrastructures

Our solutions include comprehensive integration of AI with existing systems, ensuring that all your processes and technologies work seamlessly.


How long does it take to implement an AI solution?

The length of implementation depends on the scope and complexity of your requirements. Typically, however, you can expect a basic deployment of an AI solution to take 4-8 weeks. For larger projects, the timeframe is longer, but thanks to our agile approach and parallel streams, we can deliver the first minimum viable products (MVPs) in just a few weeks.

What technologies and tools do you use for AI solutions?

We use a wide range of AI technologies and tools including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing and more. Our experts have extensive experience with a variety of open-source and commercial AI tools and platforms, which they can integrate into comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs.

How do you ensure safety and compliance with legislation in AI solutions?

Data security and compliance with legislative requirements such as GDPR are key priorities for us. All our AI solutions include advanced security measures including encryption, access control and monitoring. We also implement data governance tools and transparent reporting to ensure full control over your data.

What benefits can I expect after implementing AI solutions?

The benefits depend on the specific use cases and the scope of the implementation, but typically you can expect to reduce operational costs by up to 30%, increase productivity by 20-40%, improve customer experience and accelerate innovation. Prior to implementation, we will provide you with a detailed analysis of the expected benefits and ROI for your specific requirements.

How do you ensure the successful adoption of AI in our company?

Successful AI adoption requires a combined effort - expert involvement, proven methodologies and support from internal teams. Our solutions include training and workshops for your employees to understand the benefits of AI and master working with new technologies. We also provide intensive support throughout the adoption process, including solution maintenance and optimization.

Problems when using the cloud Our solution
Uncertainty in identifying suitable opportunities for AI
Identifying opportunities and AI use cases with the greatest potential for your business thanks to our unique AI RADAR tool for mapping and assessing the potential of AI within your organisation.
Concerns about failed implementation of AI solutions
We offer pilot projects to verify technical and commercial feasibility before full implementation, minimising the risk of failure. We also use agile approach with gradual deployment in smaller chunks to reduce complexity.
Lack of in-house skills to manage AI technologies
Provided by training and workshops for your teams to master working with AI solutions. We also provide intensive support throughout the adoption process, including maintenance and optimization.
Concerns about lack of control over data and security
All our AI solutions include advanced security measures such as data encryption and access control. We also implement data management tools and transparent monitoring for full control.
Uncertainty about the return on investment in AI
Performed by detailed analysis of benefits and ROI for each use case and we design solutions optimized for fast ROI within 3-9 months. We also provide tools to track ROI from AI projects.
Concerns about the high cost of AI adoption
Our solutions are designed to be cost-effective with an emphasis on rapid return on investment. We use an agile approach and parallel implementation streams to reduce costs.