The implementation of the application

The implementation of the applications of P-Dashboard has brought the centralised monitoring of performance indicators of the company Volkswagen AG across multiple plants and central offices, the senior management has enabled more efficient to compare performance and identify areas for improvement. This tool has extended an existing Business Cockpit of the advanced features of benchmarking, data visualization and reporting, and improved performance management, increased efficiency and provided scalability for the further development of the organization.

Key points:

Centralized monitoring: P-Dashboard tracks the performance indicators in real-time.
Benchmarking: Dashboard compares the performance between sites.
Availability: The app works on desktops as well as tablets.
Access control: Only authorized users have access to the data.
Reporting to: Create and export customized exports with visualizations.

07. October 2024 ┃ 9 minute reading

P-Dashboard is a tool for the presentation and benchmarking, designed to provide a comprehensive overview of key performance indicators across multiple production plants and central offices, designed for the top management. Extends the capabilities of the existing Business Cockpit (link to case study Business Cockpit) of the advanced features of data visualization and reporting, with a focus on the benchmarking of performance in the different locations and departments.

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Volkswagen AG is one of the leading automotive companies in the world, which focuses on innovation and efficiency in production. In the framework of its activities implemented the application of P-Dashboard. The application allows management to compare performance between the websites, to improve the control performance and identify areas for improvement, ensuring effective reporting and the high scalability of the solution.

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The main objectives of the implementation were:
  • Benchmarking performance: To compare the performance indicators across different plants and central offices, which of the management to allow you to compare results and identify areas for improvement.
  • Centralized monitoring: Centralize monitoring of key performance metrics, allowing users to access real data and generate reports efficiently.
  • Accessibility for users: Ensure the dashboard is accessible on a variety of devices, especially desktops and tablets, with optimal performance in supported browsers.
  • Management access according to the role: Implement a secure access control system to ensure that data is only accessible to authorised users.
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Solution: Key features

  1. The function of benchmarking:
    • P-Dashboard compares the performance across different plants and central offices comparison of key metrics, allowing the targeted comparison to identify trends and deviations.
  2. A complex presentation of data:
    • Users can monitor both plant and central office performance data with the ability to switch between detailed and summary reports using intuitive action buttons.
    • Visualization indicators provide a quick indicators of status, with the possibility of a switch to more detailed data for further analysis.
  3. Interactive user interface:
    • The Dashboard includes interactive elements that allow users to navigate between different reports, select specific time periods, and export data in PDF format.
    • Multi-language support ensures that it is suitable for a global user base.
  4. Administrative controls and access based on roles:
    • P-Dashboard includes an administrative module in which it is possible to manage profiles, cost centers, and other key settings.
    • Access to the system is controlled on a role-based basis, ensuring that only authorized users can view or manipulate certain data, thereby enhancing data security and integrity.
  5. Responsive design:
    • The dashboard is designed to be responsive and ensure optimal display and usability on both desktop computers and mobile devices.
    • The application supports a variety of display resolution and is optimized for specific browsers, and high-resolution displays to iPads.
  6. Advanced reporting and exporting:
    • Users can create customized reports based on selected indicators, time periods and locations. These reports can be exported to PDF for offline analysis and sharing.
    • The system includes functions to refresh the cache of calculations so that users always have access to the latest data.

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Challenges in the implementation of the

  • The integration and consistency of the data: The integration of data from the Business Cockpit and ensure consistent updates in the various regions and departments was key to maintaining the accuracy.
  • The design of the user interface: Designing a user interface that would meet the needs of both technical and non-technical users and maintain consistency across all devices was essential.
  • Access control based on roles: Implementing a secure and flexible access control system to manage the diverse roles and responsibilities of users across regions and departments.
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Features of benchmarking and analysis

  • Comparison across plants and central offices:
    • The P-Dashboard allows users to compare performance metrics across different sites, enabling detailed comparisons of performance metrics.
    • Benchmarking helps to identify best practices and areas that requires improvement, which supports the operational efficiency of the organization.
  • Visualization of data for strategic insights:
    • The Dashboard provides a visual representation of data, such as charts and diagrams that make it easier to compare performance between different entities.
    • This visualization is crucial for strategic decision making, because it highlights the trends and deviations, which could be from unstructured data invisible.

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Results and impact

Improved performance management: The possibilities of benchmarking in the context of P-Dashboard led to the improvement of performance management in factories and central offices by providing action knowledge of key performance indicators.
Increased efficiency: Centralized monitoring data and reporting features significantly reduce the time and effort required to compile and analyze performance data.
Scalability and flexibility: The modular design of the P-Dashboard makes it easy to update and scaling, which ensures that it can adapt to the changing needs of the organization.

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Application P-Dashboard not only provides a centralized platform for monitoring the performance, but also brings powerful tools benchmarking, that will improve the management within the organization. Its successful implementation demonstrates the key role of technology in increasing the effectiveness and supporting informed decision-making.